Information Security Management System - SGSI

A information security management system (SGSI) is a set of policies, procedures, processes, and controls to protect an organization's confidential and critical information against internal and external threats. The implementation of an ISMS allows organizations to identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks related to information security, and ensure business continuity in case of disruptions.

At E3 ENDPOINT , we are experts in the implementation and certification of information security management systems according to the ISO 27001:2013 standard, which is recognized internationally and establishes the requirements for an effective SGSI.

Our SGSI implementation process begins with a thorough assessment of the risks and vulnerabilities of the organization's information security management system, which allows us to identify critical areas and opportunities for improvement in information security.

Next, we develop an implementation plan and work with the organization to define roles and responsibilities in information security management, implement necessary controls to mitigate identified risks, and improve overall information security.

During the implementation process, our consultants provide ongoing training and support to the organization's team members, to ensure that the ISMS is integrated and sustainable in the long term. In addition, we conduct regular internal audits and prepare the organization for ISO 27001 certification audits, to ensure that information security standards are maintained.

In summary, E3 ENDPOINT offers its clients a complete and effective process for implementing an ISMS, with the aim of protecting the organization's critical and confidential information against internal and external threats, and ensuring business continuity in case of disruptions. With our comprehensive approach and experience in implementing information security systems, our clients can rest assured that they are in good hands."