Normative Compliance

Compliance with cybersecurity and information security management systems (ISMS) regulations is essential to ensure the protection of an organization's confidential information and to avoid potential security breaches that could result in penalties, fines, and damage to the company's reputation.

The compliance process begins with identifying relevant regulations and standards for the industry and specific organization, such as the Personal Data Protection Law, Digital Signature Law, General Data Protection Regulation, among others.

Once applicable regulations and standards have been identified, it is necessary to implement security measures and policies to comply with these regulations. E3 ENDPOINT, as an expert cybersecurity and ISMS company, can assist organizations in complying with these regulations through the implementation of industry-specific policies and procedures, staff training, ongoing security assessment and improvement, among others.

Organizations must comply with cybersecurity regulations in Colombia for four main reasons:

  1. To avoid penalties, fines, and additional costs in recovering information that has been stolen, hijacked, or maliciously altered.
  2. To protect personal data, as cybersecurity regulations are designed to protect personal and confidential information, such as identification numbers, passwords, and banking data. Failure to comply with these regulations may expose users' personal information to potential security breaches.
  3. To protect organizations from possible breaches or cyber-attacks. Failure to comply with cybersecurity regulations may expose organizations to security breaches in their information and make them vulnerable to fraud, extortion, and exposure of their finances, reputation, credibility, and goodwill.
  4. To prevent cyber risks and crimes, such as information theft, malware, ransomware, phishing, among others.

E3 ENDPOINT, will assist your organization in timely compliance with each of your sector's cybersecurity regulations to avoid penalties, fines, and most importantly, cyber-attacks.